Past Life Aspect Selves and Sub-personalities - Comparison as we move into Divine Self Presence
Past Life Aspect Selves and Sub-personalities - Comparison as we move into Divine Self Presence
If you have been “working on yourself” at all then you are familiar with aspects of your personality referred to often as the inner child, or the saboteur or a sub-personality.
Every human has some number of sub-personalities that are operating as the name suggests, subconsciously. As we move toward soul embodiment, towards shifting our seat of consciousness to the level of the soul, we integrate these aspects of our personality so that we move forward congruent and whole to being a soul-infused personality. For some humans, that is the current developmental plan.
For many humans now, the developmental arc has to do with embodying the higher octaves of the Self, bringing Source or Divine Self level awareness through to the personality in a stable, conscious way that is easily accessed at will.
As a collective, we are moving into group work. In order for group work to be effective, there needs to be a degree of congruence and sovereignty in the individual. At least soul-infused personality level of integration as a foundation for effective group work, in my opinion. But we are going higher than that.
(did you watch The Good Wife? The judge who required always “in my opinion.” Obviously all of this is my opinion—LOL).
As you move into embodying the Divine Self, you might still be integrating sub-personalities. That’s normal. This is not a linear process. When you are at the stage of also incorporating higher consciousness from your divine self level, you will have suppleness in your personality and be able to move forward without resistance and follow the flow, to some degree, moment to moment according to your own Divine Plan, in alignment with your soul’s purpose and learning objectives in this lifetime.
As you access your higher vision and your Divine Self presence, you will be operating less and less with the soul as an interface between your higher consciousness and your conscious personality.
As you are integrating and creating wholeness, it is likely time to integrate the soul aspects, often called past lives.
Sub-personalities are to the soul as past life aspects are to the divine self.
If you aren’t familiar with the mechanics of sub-personalities, a sub-personality or stuck places in the personality that need to be integrated can form when the emotional, mental and sometimes also the physical body get tangled up. Let’s say you are 2 years old running fast, you trip and fall and hit your head on a table. Your mom screams, “It’s not safe to run! Don’t you ever do that again!” She does this because she is scared and loves you. But for you, the trauma could get fixed or stuck in the mental body (it’s not safe to run), the emotional body (the feeling of pain, shock and your mother’s fear all congealed) and the physical body (the bump on your head, and possibly a feeling of betrayal of your legs or the earth or something like that). And even though you forget about it and move on, a part of you never released the trauma, because your mother didn’t know how to support you to do that and because humans do not have the same adaptive response around trauma as animals do. Animals shake it off and move on. Most humans hold the lesson so as not to repeat it, and then tell others so that the others do not experience it. It’s an evolutionary adaptation that has its drawbacks.
As we move into congruent and fluid Divine Self Presence and embodiment, the soul aspects rear up that are not complete. It’s sort of like how a sub-personality starts getting your attention as you absorb and actively access more of your soul’s light and qualities.
One way to understand how the past life aspects get triggered and functions as a filter of perspective and as an attractor of circumstances is to compare it to the relationship of the sub-personality to the soul.
Trauma happens, a belief or pattern gets stuck, and then that crystallized structure functions as we move through an incarnation informing our choices, the way we relate to others and opportunities.
If you are a healer in this life, you might be afraid to be visible. You might not trust people or be wary of being seen. Your soul may even have stopped you from pursuing becoming a healer because it went so badly last time. Or you might be an activist for childbirth, standing up for all midwives and healers, making sure that sort of abuse of power never happens again.
Let’s take a popular example of a past life scenario, you were a wise woman in your community administering herbs and childbirth support. You were betrayed by someone you helped or a neighbor. As a result you were burned at the stake by yourself or with a group.
In this example, maybe your soul had a learning objective that included the burning at the stake as part of the divine plan. I know that might not seem plausible, but we souls have used earth to experiment and learn. And in this dimension, there is cause and effect. Nature always will create balance and so as humans diverged from the divine plan, the order of Nature’s balance, we created karma and the need to come to completion and balance.
It’s complex and also simple. There is a ton I can say and for my purpose today, I’m moving forward with this idea of sub-personalities are to the soul what past life or aspect selves are to the divine self.
So in the wise woman example, your soul set up a life to learn about partnership with nature and that form of authentic power. But also as part of the divine plan you will be burned at the stake, which is another expression of power—abuse of power—and you will be the victim of that.
Why would being the victim of the abuse of power be a part of a plan? Why would the soul agree to this?
There could be a lot of reasons.
It could be because you wanted to learn something about authentic use of power vs. abuse of power,
or to balance karma from another lifetime when you were a judge or a neighbor and you were the one who wrongly accused another human being and had them killed,
or to balance karma from a lifetime when you did black magic, abusing your power in your partnership with nature, or a life when you abused your power towards yourself or another human being.
It can also be to agree to play a role in someone else’s play, so that they can learn the lesson they need. This is an act of soul love.
Mostly when I’m working with clients or stuck souls, I see that all the parties involved have something to gain and have agreed to be apart of the play for a variety of reasons, all by design.
Let’s just take that example of coming to earth to understand right use of will and authentic power. As part of your school, your soul and guides may construct a life that teaches you one of the fractals, or perspectives, of how power can manifest in this dimension. So you are a king in one life, a servant in another. You are a wise woman or witch in one and a judge in another. You are a kind and loving king in one life and a tyrant in another. You do this again and again until you understand earth and power.
You might also want to see if you can maintain your connection to Source even while you are being burned, experiencing excruciating physical and emotional pain.
But what happens could be that as you are being burned, having been betrayed by your neighbor, that instead of remembering the plan and your connection with Source, you die imbued with your outrage, your pain and you decide it is not safe to trust anyone. You have to hide your power. There are a lot of things you might decide! But if you were to go look at the book in the Akashic records and compare what your soul intended to learn, and what actually crystallized as a belief matrix, you would see that you missed the lesson. And oh, drat! You are going to have to keep at it until you are able to find that alignment with Source and Authentic Power.
It also happens sometimes that a soul gets stuck in a situation of so much pain and disconnection at the time of death. It’s super common. You can set up a whole life just to see if you can go to the light at the end, even though your circumstances are going to test you strongly.
As we are now purifying and reclaiming right use of will and authentic power, any of these misunderstandings or places where we are stuck or dead are going to show up in our bodies and experiences to get our attention so that they can be completed, the lessons realized, and the soul released to the wholeness at the level of the Divine Self.
Just like the sub-personality might be filtering experiences and attracting experiences so that stuck place can flow and heal and integrate, so too will your greater consciousness attract experiences or provide you with pain, emotion and circumstance to bring your awareness to something that needs to be brought into wholeness and completion.
You can find those aspect selves, see what the soul intended to learn and learn it now in real time. If you are stuck there, not realizing you are dead, you can gently assist yourself to wake up and go to the light. These actions can have a profound healing and life-changing effect as soon as that day or the next day.
Every time you welcome one of these parts back into the wholeness of your Self you have greater congruence and access to all of your power. And so as you heal and correct the misunderstandings that you may have taken away from other lifetimes where you were studying about authentic power, you create more flow for authentic power in the now.
Resources for further exploration and creating these shifts
I’ve been teaching for many years and have created some self-study transmission mp3 albums from former live classes. These albums contain living transmissions that will meet you where you are. There are guidelines for how to work with them which include no multi-tasking or driving. You can experience an example with the mini-money course which is free to you as part of a free 7 day trial. I’m just getting started here and am not yet clear about the subscription way that is most aligned here, I’ll be looking at the energy and tracking the feedback to find the sweet spot.
If you decide to try an album here are some guidelines…
At the level of stabilizing soul embodiment, look for albums with the older branding like Forgiveness Course and the Divine Mission program. Also, Making Connections with My Divine Self and No Part Left Behind from the more recent work.
At the level of stabilizing Divine Self Presence look for work with the dance of light and matter branding. Programs (when offered) such as The Human, Your Personal Project and albums like Foundations for Group Work and World Service, Albums like Evolutionary Brain + Illumined Mind, Classes like Past Life Series—which then later become albums that you can work with on your own.
The nrg sessions, when offered, meet you where you are on the spectrum and help you develop your potential in a non-linear way supporting your perfect rhythms and timings on your own gorgeous path of becoming. They also support group work, as a practice of being a community of light working together for a greater good, and for your own personal evolution into your unique role in the one work of light.